
The volume knob controls the noise intensity and quality of the music being played. The replacement is easy and requires no tools because the knob is not permanently attached to the device.

  1. 6MfXRpMHAbZCwhu4
    • Carefully place on a table where it will hold a lot of pressure

  2. Q2feN3JoygpAEtQL
    • Next, using your thumb and finger, get a good grasp on the volume knob, and carefully but forcefully pull on it and it will pop off.

  3. 6lRfQrREJ6KrlwlJ
    • Next, take your new volume knob and simply pop it back into place the same way you took the old one off, and you are good to go.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Louis Varrichione

Member since: 11/03/16

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