
  1. IgvjWxHg643LMI1W
    • Remove Cover from record player.

  2. tKGNhb2afKgDDxWK
    • Remove the 4 rubber plugs which hold the turntable platter in place

    • Gently but firmly pull the turntable platter off the axle.

  3. G56ICxGwhXyBQH6a
    • Take replacement turntable platter affix it firmly and gently to the axle.

  4. NYBlDhBdBQvvdMju
    • Replace rubber plugs

  5. lj2TNI1dUiBQSNxJ
    • Replace Cover


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Robert Wilcox

Member since: 04/03/16

227 Reputation

One comment

There's an important step missing here in that there is a "C" clip on the center pin that you need to remove. Also, this does not include how to replace the belt onto the motor, which is vital in restoring how a record player functions. Can you please update with this information?

ironman175 -