
This guide shows you how to fix an IKEA KOPPLA 3-port charger that has become unreliable. One to three ports can be defective.

  1. Z4tYVYnnOHELQiGn
    • open device , using brute force is the only option because it's ultrasonic welded together.

    • use screw driver or squeeze in a vice to crack it open.''

  2. SbtCEnyBCwSymDoT
    • Resolder all the USB connector pins (red box'es), on all 3 USB connectors to be sure they are functional. (on this image the top one is defective)

    • The reason solder points break is the connector support is soldered onto the board on one side only. Not by the arrow. Thereby adding stress directly to the soldered pins.

    • In addition the connector pin (square) near the U2 marking is too short and therefore may not be soldered properly.

    • see 2nd image for example of front support pin is pulled out of solder area.

    • Note that the board on the newer 'Smahagel' model of this charger, which has a 100-240V voltage rating but otherwise looks identical externally, looks slightly different and has both supports soldered to the PCB. The fix still applies though.

  3. GZsfqPxXUFoOZGWv
    • add hot melt glue in these areas on the board and on the side of the connector.

    • Add the cover first to understand where there is room for it in the cover.

    • If connector is not glued, it is likely the charger will stop working again in the near future.

    • Ikea have been notified of this issue.

    • To seal the enclosure , add suitable glue to edge, and press the top/bottom together.

    • Use as vice while holding them together, while the glue hardens.


I understand these adapters are cheap, but they can be repaired as described.

Carsten Dahl Hjarup

Member since: 04/11/13

2874 Reputation