This guide will aid you in replacing (or cleaning) the Injector Nozzle, Injector Throat, and Injector Screen in a Hydrotech 89-series Control Valve used on water softeners and iron filters.
You may need to do this if your equipment is malfunctioning in the following ways:
- Not drawing brine correctly or efficiently
- Not drawing brine at all
- Sending water to the brine tank during the brine draw cycle
Locate the RED bypass knobs.
Using an allan key or a pair of pliers, turn the knobs so the stamped arrows are facing each other.
CAUTION: The bypass knobs may become detached, if this happens take note of the position of the knob and return the knob to that position and press down to reseat it.
Unlock the valve.
Press and hold the {MENU} key until the valve beeps/the padlock icon disappears.
Activate manual regeneration
After the valve is unlcoked, press the [MENU] button once more to bring up a menu prompt.
Repeatedly press the {DOWN] button until "Manual Regen" is selected.
Press Set
Use the [UP} arrow to select "Regen Now" and press {SET} to begin the regeneration process.
Press and hold any button for approximately 3 seconds to skip ahead, do this until the valve is in either BACKWASH or RINSE.
Wait until the time begins to count down to ensure it is has relieved pressure
Note: If you have a Downflow valve or are using this valve on a filter your first regeneration cycle will be BACKWASH, you won't need to skip ahead.
Note: The valve may take a couple of minutes to move between cycles, please be patient with it.
Finally, disconnect the valve from the power supply by unplugging the 12v A/C adapter from the wall.
Removing the Injector Cover (A36)
Remove the two #2 Phillips screws (A4) from the injector cover (A36) and remove with your fingers.
Remove Injector Nozzle (A33)
Using a 1/4" flat blade screwdriver, turn the Injector Nozzle counterclockwise to unscrew.
Remove Injector Throat (A31)
Using a 3/16 Flat Blade screwdriver (or iFixit #4 flat blade bit) turn the injector throat counterclockwise to unscrew.
Using a pair of reverse tweezers, remove the injector throat.
To reassemble, insert the injector throat, injector nozzle and injector screen in reverse order of removal.
Prior to reinstalling the Injector Cover (A36) and reinstalling the screws, apply a layer of silicone grease to the o-ring (A35), this will allow the o-ring to reseal to the valve body properly.
You have successfully replaced (or cleaned) the Injectors in your Hydrotech 89-series Control Valve.
You may now party on!