Here it is! This guide will tell you how to add a bit of color to your iPhone XS. My Mum generously gave me her broken XS so I can take it apart and repaint it.
Since repainting the outer casing would require disassembling the whole phone and removing the back cover, please make sure you can manage it without breaking stuff. It's better to have a spare rear casing if you ever mess up the original during the painting process.
This is my first guide and if there're errors please comment and let me know. Thank you for your support!
After heating procedures, flip the screen up like a book with the"hinge" on the right side.
Make sure you do it carefully. Do not pull on the cables as they might tear.
You can check on Ifixit's screen replacement guides for the heating and opening procedures (my adhesive got so weak I pried it open with my fingernails)
I'm really sorry, but for removing the motherboard and other components you really need to check on Ifixit's guides because I had done a very clumsy job photographing each step. I'm just going to skip them and move on to applying the paint.
For the painting process you need to make sure your outer casing is clear of components and the rear glass panel as spray-painting might damage them.
For spray painting cover the insides with tape, which makes sure the components could fit when you put them back. Then, hang the casing up by a loop of wire. Apply the paint by spraying around the frame of the casing. Be careful to apply the paint uniformly and not so thick.
Because I'm still a middle school student naturally I can't get my hands on spray-paint cans and all that. I'm just using paint pens on this XS. They work just as well but you have to be careful to apply the paint uniformly.
After the painting make sure the paint have time to dry before you put it back together. Wait for one day to let the paint dry, then start reassembling.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. Make sure the paint is dry before you put it back or the paint might stick on your hands.