
Use this guide to open the Huawei Watch GT2e and remove the rear assembly.

  1. MZZfMxJIJpwkeTxo
    • Turn off the watch:

    • Press and hold the top button for >3 sec.

    • Tap "Power off".

  2. Push the small sliding nub on one of the watch band pins inwards toward the center of the watch band.
    • Push the small sliding nub on one of the watch band pins inwards toward the center of the watch band.

    • While holding the nub in, pull one side of the pin out of its recess on the watch housing, then the other side.

    • Remove the band.

    • Repeat this process to remove the second band.

  3. wjPgJQiOaRCsyjA1
    • Remove the four 3.5 mm-long T3 Torx screws on the back of the watch.

    Hi, What is the right screwdriver size?

    Jukka L -

    Torx T3 jest za duży , u mnie pasował torx T2

    Krzysztof Matuszek -

    • Place the point of a spudger in the small hole on the side of the rear case.

    • Use the spudger to push the rear case away from the housing to create a small gap. Use steady force to separate the two parts.

    • Steady the rear case with a finger to avoid it suddenly popping open and damaging the flex cable.

    • Don’t open the rear case all the way just yet. It is still connected to the motherboard with a thin flex cable.

  5. U5DuSaNvhlhNcKCO
    • Flip the rear case assembly open towards the buttons to access the interconnect flex cable connector.

  6. A6TlcjIYQHhcoh2f
    • Remove the 2.5 mm-long Phillips screw securing the interconnect cable bracket.

    • When re-assembling you might need a pair of pointy angled tweezers to position the screw since they are non-ferrous and therefore don’t stick to the magnetic bit.

  7. GVVNY4cXsPP5aUPi
    • Use a pair of tweezers to slide the interconnect cable bracket down and left to unlatch it.

    • Remove the interconnect cable bracket.

    • For reassembly make sure to slide the bracket into place from bottom left towards top right to engage the small latch.

  8. DRRxboaeQOq5Wx2b
    • Use the flat end of a spudger to pry up and unplug the interconnect cable.

    • Remove the rear case assembly.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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Tobias Isakeit

Member since: 31/03/14

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