Before reading this guide, ensure you know how to strip wires and solder a connection. If not, please look at the following guides.
Stripping Wire: Wire Stripping
Soldering:How To Solder and Desolder Connections
Put one of the paired wires on one of the helping hand's clamp. Put the other pair of wires on the remaining clamp.
Cut enough heat shrink to cover the soldered connection.
Slip the heat shrink onto the connection.
Using a heat generator, such as a heat gun or a hairdryer, heat the heat shrink around all of the angles until it securely covers the soldered connection.
This technique will allow wires to be extended both electrically and structurally without the need of longer wires.
One comment
Perhaps I might recommend sliding the H.S. tubing on before soldering the joint in case the wires are connected on the other end to something else.