
The power button on this device has a tenancy to break. This guide explains an easy fix.

    • Power down the Synology.

    • Since the power button no longer works you can go to the web interface [https://IP_address:5001], log in and select shutdown from the menu in the top right.

  2. 3XvLUahwQDHjeBqq
    • Remove two screws from the back.

    • Make sure to put these screws where you can find them, mine are long gone!

    • Slide the side of the enclosure forward.

  3. 2VWS11v2cXKRDwWL
    • As you can see the plastic of the power button has broken of.

    • I considered replacing the button but fabricobbled an easier fix.

  4. LoChOQWoub2Af5Eg
    • Remove the gray front with 3 screws for easier access.

    • Cut a bit of thin plastic to the right dimensions. (About 3 x 1 mm)

    • Superglue the thin plastic on the cross of the power button.

    • Re-assemble and if all is well you have a working power button!


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Rogier Gerritse

Member since: 18/01/22

160 Reputation