For me, the well-known paper tab trick to fix this problem only worked for a while. By bracing the other metal contact with another paper tab, I've created a more secure fix that's lasted for weeks so far.
I think the original fix doesn't work for long because the lower metal contact (see photos) bends downward, making it less likely the upper contact will connect. By inserting a paper tab into the lower contact, it's stopped from bending downward. I think this bending may be caused by controller vibration, so I've since turned off vibration on my controllers.
The red arrow in the photo of the left hand side (the first photo) shows where the paper tab should be inserted, underneath the bottom metal contact.
The red arrow in the photo of the right hand side (the second photo) shows where the paper tab should come to when it is pushed in from the other side.
The red circle in the photos shows the paper tab inserted. You want to minimise the excess paper (to the left of the red circle in the photo of the left hand side (the first photo)) in case it catches the battery when that's inserted.
I used a cocktail stick (toothpick) to insert the paper tab.