If you start experiencing a low water flow from your Style Selections 46.3-in H Resin Tiered Outdoor Fountain and notice an abnormal amount of algae build-up in the fountain, you can get the water flow back and unclog/clean your fountain with these simple steps.
When exposed to outside elements, water fountain hoses can become obstructed by algae or other plants if left unmaintained. This can cause the water to stop flowing freely and can cause pressure to build within the fountain hose, thus damaging the hose and fountain itself. This guide will teach you how to effectively unclog/clean your fountain so that the fountain hose remains undamaged.
Before using this guide, make sure to unplug the fountain from the electrical outlet and keep any electrical wiring away from water.
Turn off and unplug the fountain.
Empty the water from the fountain basins by tilting the fountain and allowing the water to drain out.
Unscrew the smallest basin from the top of the fountain.
Unscrew the black LED lighting cord attached to the basin.
Remove smallest basin completely.
Unscrew and remove the middle basin from the middle of the fountain.
Unscrew the black LED lighting cord attached to the hollow center section.
Remove the hollow center section that houses the pump.
Unscrew and remove the black center tube of the fountain that is screwed into the top of the pump.
Use a socket wrench with a 10-millimeter socket to unscrew the water pump from the base of the fountain.
Remove the water pump.
Clean the front of the pump with a soft bristle brush while rotating the flow control switch on the back of the pump.
Submerge the pump in a bucket of water. Plug it in and turn it on to loosen some of the algae lodged inside.
Use a garden hose with a spray attachment to run clean water through the center tube to dislodge any build-up.
Clean each tiered basin with a soft bristle brush and soapy water to remove any algae or build-up.
Reinstall the pump into the base of the fountain with a socket wrench and 10-millimeter socket.
Screw the center tube into the top of the pump.
Reinstall the hollow center section and each basin from bottom to top, screwing each section onto the center tube.
Replace the pineapple-shaped topper and screw it onto the top of the center tube.
Fill the fountain with clean water.
Add algaecide/clarifier to the water to prevent any future algae build-up.
Plug it in and turn the fountain on.