
A toilet may be clogged with different things or for different reasons, and most
people may try to clear it with a toilet plunger. However, some people may not have access to a toilet plunger. The method in this guide is cheap, fast, and easy and only requires simple tools and materials available at home.

Keep in mind, it's not a good idea to keep flushing a blocked toilet. This will result in a toilet bowl overflow.

  1. lu3cLxBTSq1RQTKM
    • If the toilet bowl is full of water, empty the water manually with a small or medium container so that there is enough space to add a gallon of liquid.

    • It's recommended to wear gloves (plastic or silicon gloves) for this part.

    • Prepare a gallon of hot (not boiling) water.

    • The water temperature shouldn’t be too hot because it may cause the toilet bowl to crack.

  3. nROKYvQIgoxlBHUo
    • Divide the gallon of water into three separate containers.

    • Pour one portion of hot water into the toilet bowl and let it rest for about 20 minutes. Repeat for the other two portions of hot water.

  4. 1r3dGJ3VBr11dQ1n
    • Fill the blocked part of the bowl with no more than half a cup of dish soap.

    • Let the soap sit in the toilet bowl for a few minutes.

    • The soap's grease-cutting properties could ease in removing any solids that may have created the clog.

  5. VlXiUPI1woVLrf4i
    • Check the toilet bowl to see if the water level has decreased or remained the same.

    • If the water level decreased, flush the toilet. If it starts to overflow again, turn off the water valve from behind the toilet, and repeat Steps 1–3.

zahra azad

Member since: 15/09/21

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