
How to Permanent Unlock Network, SIM Lock by Code ( PIN ) any Sony Xperia Smart Phone.

    • First, check the SIM lock status in Service Menu - from the Phone dialer app tape *#*#7378423#*#* Service info ► Sim lock

    • o Network 5

    • x Network subset 0

    • x Service provider 0

    • x Corporate 0

    • x SIM 0

    • Normally, Sony Ericsson phones comes only with a network lock as active.

    • o Network 5 - the phone is Network locked and you have 5 attempts to enter the unlock code. If there is a 0 beside the category where a lock exists, then it means that your phone is hard locked and you can't unlock it by code.

    Haw can I unlock Sony xperiaST25i

    victor -

    Once I get the IMEI code how do I get the unlock code?

    Joe kiddo -

    After the five attempt can I unlock it again

    vialla amissah -

    But how do i get the unlock code

    Jay -

    i have a 0 beside, how do i unlock guys? help SOS!!!

    adomaskk -

    How to unlock my phone plss help

    cacadagchellou -

    I cant unlock my phone using pin

    cacadagchellou -

    I get x network unlimited…what does that mean

    Simon Tokaimasi -

    How do get unblock code aftee imitate number

    Rushane Hall -

    My XZ3 has Network [0]. and Network Subset [10]. How to get unlock code?

    fahmibest -

    How to unlock my Sony Xperia E1

    junaosirius -

  2. V2IFkirGZ2wBDRU1
    • To find the IMEI number dial this code *#06#.

    • The unlock code is unique for every phone. You have to provide the IMEI number from your phone to get your unique unlock code.

    • When you have your unlock code, insert SIM card from another provider.

    • When the phone ask you for SIM network unlock PIN, enter this unlock code.

    • If your contract has ended, you can request the code from your provider. Another way is to buy an unlock code.

    How or where do i get the unlock code?

    respicio0005 -

    please i need this phone my daughter s anoying me

    jada coleman -

    I get imei but how can i get unlock code?

    tats2b -

    As writen in the guide in step 2:

    "If your contract has ended, you can request the code from your provider. Another way is to buy an unlock code."

    Claes -

    When someone purchase once a handset so why you keep lockcode

    Said Ahmad -

    I have imei number but it says unsusessful what should i do

    michelle wibley -

    i just got my IMEL number but no code,How do i get my code?

    Mike oscar -

    my phone has all o

    susantwalikokule petrus -

    My sim pin has 0 beside it what should I do I need my phone for work

    shernicerichards -

    Can you please help me with this issue

    shernicerichards -

  3. i4ToPd36whlIW621
    • That's all.

    How do i buy the code if my is hard locked

    musah -

    SIM LOCK AREA IS [*] Network 6 [] Network subset 10 []Service provider 10 []corporate 10 what should i do to unlock it...please

    yawsonevans -

    How do I get the code if my is hard locked?

    Rhemel Fernandez -


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Member since: 09/12/13

193490 Reputation


punya saya sama kaya gitu masalahnya. gimana ya ? bisa bantu ?

mujiana syukur -

Imam Sony Xperia E1,No e Zakluchena Mrejata i Ne Moga Da Polzvam Karta,Kak Moga Da Polucha Kod Za Otkluchvane Na Mrejata

donibg -

For which operator is locked the phone?

ZFix -

Straight talk

Tomlisaavenger -

my network is not 5, but Unlimited. how about it?

dimzy48 -

My xperia sola to be like this

[] network 5

[]network subset 5

[] Service provider 5

[] corporate 5

All about 5, what must i do to unlock this??please help me

pencari ilmu -

How much are the codes ?

Lois Leigh -

my sol 21 xperia i[]network10

[]network subset0

[]servise provider

[]servise corporate0 help me plisssssss

Sya irul -

network locked v sol 21

Sya irul -

I have not sim network code as I get help please xperia lt18i

adam -

Hey does any one knows how to unlocked Hard locked on sony Experia Z3?Thanks and cheers.

Drew Santo -

Hey I have an xperia e locked to 3 THEY HAVE SHUT down is there a way I can unlock the network to optu

Kim Knite -

I got the IMEI but i am still confused on how to get the unlock code. Please advise..

Sony xperia c1904

Papua New Guinea.

Cheri Huasase -

It's depends of your carrier. Google for an unlock code for Xperia M and your carrier.

ZFix -

my network is zero how can go about it?

Takudzwa -

My Sony Ericson E1


No mobile Network

[x]Network 0

[x]Network subset 0

[x]Service provider 0

[x]Corporate 0

[x]SIM 0

How do I unlock hardlock.

How do I buy the unlocking code?

Loyiso -

need te unlock pin for my sony experia phone.

Cynthia. Awaya -

my z4 does not prompt "sim unlocking pin". what to do?

casolijon -

I have a Sony Ericsson mobile phone which doesn't accept the network of my home country-South Sudan.

kindly please, advise.

mabior -

I have a Sony Ericsson mobile phone which doesn't accept my home networks South Sudan.

kindly please advise legally.

mabior -

Hi please help me how to get PUK code

govind m -

Sony Xperia C1905

[0]Network 0

[x]Network subset 0

[x]Service provider 0

[x]Corporate 0

[x]SIM 0

Please help

Its showing 0 instead of x

How do I unlock?

Linus Ifeanyi -


[0]Network 0

[x]Network subset 0

[x]Service provider 0

[x]Corporate 0

[x]SIM 0

0 instead of x

Help please

Linus Ifeanyi -

[x]Network 0

[0]Network subset 0

[0]Service provider 0

[0]Corporate 0

[0]SIM 0

How do I unlock hardlock.

Mr Mix -

Where do I buy the codes

John -

this must be just for visitor ranking google $@$*, not real. FAKE SITE!

Will Hunter -

How i unlock my experia lt26i hardlock and simlock

Said Ahmad -

Mon Sony xperia model 1905 orange

No mobile Network

[x]Network 0

[x]Network subset 0

[x]Service provider 0

[x]Corporate 0

[x]SIM 0

Aidé moi à trouver la solution pour déverrouiller

cedric amoussou -

My Sony experia z so-02e

Network. 0

Network subset 0

Service provider 0

Corporate. 0

Sim 0

how do I unlock it please help

Opeyemi Obafemi -

Sony Z1 Network atempt 0

how can i unlock my cell ?

ray_of_light2003 -

And I have A locked Sony Xperia Cell Phone, and unlocked on that service using my IMEI Number.

Adams Bell -

my network is not 5

Alli quyum -

My Sony Xperia D2005


No mobile Network

[x]Network 0

[x]Network subset 0

[x]Service provider 0

[x]Corporate 0

[x]SIM 0

How do I unlock hard lock.

How do I buy the unlocking code?

please help

mubanga john -

why have you made this . is a great site but its like half a link here .. where do we go with the imei number ??? come on sort it out !!

michael little -

Sony Xperia C1905

[0]Network 0

[x]Network subset 0

[x]Service provider 0

[x]Corporate 0

[x]SIM 0

Please help

Its showing 0 instead of x

How do I unlock?

Also visit

all firmware -

My Sony xperia is hard network lock

What must I do?

Musa Dalieton Bangura -

so how much do you want then??

Will Hunter -

my sony sim network is unlook

khan sada -

Aidez moi svp le réseau de mon Samsung Galaxy j7 crown est verrouillé

alpha sy -

nokia so-01f network lock the same or not

rhukz belino -

x]Network ulimitted

[0]Network subset 0

[0]Service provider 0

[0]Corporate 0

[0]SIM 0

How do I unlock hardlock.

rhukz belino -

Le mien ne capte pas le réseau

Jeff -

I have my IMEI number, how do I get the unlock code?

lloyd.penfold -

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Faradja Kihundu (elv) -

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Claire Miesch -