Do you have a hole in your Therm-a-Rest backpacking sleeping pad? Follow this guide to locate and patch the hole in your pad using a Therm-a-Rest repair kit, and get back to camping in comfort.
Blow up the sleeping pad full of air using the intake valve in the top left corner.
Open the valve by turning it counter-clock-wise.
Place your mouth over the valve, and blow air into the pad until is is inflated.
With your mouth over the valve, turn the valve clockwise to close it.
Look for small bubbles forming on the pad indicating the location of the hole.
Mark the hole with a marker.
Obtain a Therm-a-Rest repair kit including a packet of HotBond Adhesive, patch, and wood stick or similar.
Boil water in a flat bottomed pan.
Heat the HotBond Adhesive packet in the boiling water for three minutes.
Tear off the end of the HotBond Adhesive packet.
Squeeze the adhesive out of the packet onto the hole in the pad.
Spread the adhesive with the wood stick until the adhesive is spread in an even circular layer approximately the size of a dime.
Firmly press the patch, shiny side down, onto the HotBond Adhesive on the mattress.
Place a layer of plastic, such as a plastic bag, over the patch.
Place the pan of hot water on top of the plastic layer and patch for one minute.
Remove the pan of water, and using a hard cylindrical object, such as a cup, roll over the patch a few times.
Allow the patch to set for 10 minutes before use.
This guide can be used to fix similar types of sleeping pads. This patch will help you prolong the life of your camping gear!
Do I need to deflate the mat before applying the glue?
How does one find a very slow leak? Somehow pressurize the pad to 15 or 20 pounds?
awalter -
You could try submerging the inflated sleeping pad in a bathtub. Keep an eye out for small bubbles and you should find your leak.