
Do you have a hole in your Therm-a-Rest backpacking sleeping pad? Follow this guide to locate and patch the hole in your pad using a Therm-a-Rest repair kit, and get back to camping in comfort.

  1. Bm4xeXGi1BPkvWn2
    • Blow up the sleeping pad full of air using the intake valve in the top left corner.

    • Open the valve by turning it counter-clock-wise.

    • Place your mouth over the valve, and blow air into the pad until is is inflated.

    • With your mouth over the valve, turn the valve clockwise to close it.

  2. f2KZIlIGQiYXbBdg
    • Fold the pad in half to increase the air pressure.

  3. A4hXjcgtpU1SRBDW
    • Spray soapy water on the section of the pad where you think the hole is located.

  4. JvMG4YSgQrbYTBNn
    • Look for small bubbles forming on the pad indicating the location of the hole.

    • Mark the hole with a marker.

    • If you cannot locate the hole with the soapy water, fill a bathtub with water, and submerge your pad. Look for small air bubbles escaping from the pad into the water indicating the location of the hole.

  5. KBiOQyBT1HMLgkui
    • Obtain a Therm-a-Rest repair kit including a packet of HotBond Adhesive, patch, and wood stick or similar.

  6. VJt2VgSpBfZtvmws
    • Boil water in a flat bottomed pan.

    • Heat the HotBond Adhesive packet in the boiling water for three minutes.

    • Carefully remove the HotBond Adhesive from the water with a spoon.

  7. M25uKjwAj5INU2jI
    • Tear off the end of the HotBond Adhesive packet.

    • Squeeze the adhesive out of the packet onto the hole in the pad.

    • Spread the adhesive with the wood stick until the adhesive is spread in an even circular layer approximately the size of a dime.

  8. aLsahtiFDgPRGyQQ
    • Firmly press the patch, shiny side down, onto the HotBond Adhesive on the mattress.

    • Place a layer of plastic, such as a plastic bag, over the patch.

    • Open the intake valve by turning the valve counter-clockwise.

    • Place the pan of hot water on top of the plastic layer and patch for one minute.

  9. EMmV5OrHThy1YqYe
    • Remove the pan of water, and using a hard cylindrical object, such as a cup, roll over the patch a few times.

    • Allow the patch to set for 10 minutes before use.

    general ideas:

    -negative aspects:

    * need for specific type of glue from "Therm‑a-Rest repair kit"

    * Application of glue from the OUTSIDE


    * use of ANY type of glue for polyurethane -just at hand-

    * application from the INSIDE: use a (BIG) needle and syringe: poke a hole near where the bubbles showed and bring in glue THERE...

    biopilz -


This guide can be used to fix similar types of sleeping pads. This patch will help you prolong the life of your camping gear!

Kellie Cochran

Member since: 24/02/15

184 Reputation


Do I need to deflate the mat before applying the glue?

Kevin Smith -

How does one find a very slow leak? Somehow pressurize the pad to 15 or 20 pounds?

awalter -

You could try submerging the inflated sleeping pad in a bathtub. Keep an eye out for small bubbles and you should find your leak.

Austin Blakely -