This guide will show you how to remove a punctured tube and replace it.
Read through the Free Wheelchair Mission GEN 1 Tools guide guide to familiarize yourself with all the tools necessary.
Unscrew the axle bolt Using the Free Wheelchair Mission Custom Multi-Purpose Tool on the bolt head and a 19mm crescent wrench on the nut.
Remove the wheel and set it aside.
Take a tire lever and fit it under the edge of the tire.
Pop the edge of the tire out of the rim of the wheel by pushing down on the lever.
Clip the opposite end of the lever onto the closest spoke.
Take another tire lever and repeat step 4 roughly 2.5 inches away from where you are holding the other tire lever.
Holding one tire lever in place, slide the other lever around the rest of the wheel until the side of the tire is completely free of the rim.
Push the stem of the tube back through the hole in the rim it comes out of.
Reach under the tire and pull the tube out.
Fit the stem of the tube firmly into the hole in the pump that comes on the frame.
Lift the lever on the head of the pump up.
Pull the handle of the piston at the bottom of the pump out.
Pump a small amount of air into the tube so that it holds its basic shape.
Push the stem of the tube through the hole in the rim so that the head is on the outside.
Push the rest of the tube under the tire so it sits evenly on the rim.
Push the tire back onto the rim working your hands around the wheel.
Pump air into the tube until the tire is firm and can support you weight.
Screw the cap back onto the head of the tube stem.
Put the wheel back on the axle and screw in the bolt using the multitool or 19mm socket and 19mm crescent wrench.
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