
Hello, In this guide, I will demonstrate how to repair cracked drywall by reinforcing the crack, sanding the wall, and painting it with some base paint so you can paint the spot to match the surrounding area. You will need a few tools such as a putty knife, a paint pan, and a box cutter, to name a few.

Be diligent when handling a box cutter, as it can cut and possibly sever a finger when not used cautiously.

This repair may prevent further damage to the structure, prevent pests from entering the home, and allow easy access. Fixing drywall may seem intimidating at first, but you will be a professional by the end of this guide.

  1. GYE1nGrYrbr6plLx
    • Before getting started, clear the area and make sure all remaining objects such as furniture are covered so they will not get dusty.

  2. jrH6oUJjJdFvysxB
    • Use a box cutter knife to widen the crack of the drywall a bit.

    • Get the box cutter in between the cracks of the dry wall and attempt to create a gap within the drywall.

  3. GcgA12ltNmMSLFPq
    • With the drywall crack having a gap now, get some putty; it may vary depending on how much you need. With the damage on my drywall, I used around this amount.

  4. SF2UknkUY1c6ZJsV
    • Scrape the putty onto the Paint pan to keep things clean and in one place without fear of using something smaller like the putty cup which may tip over easily. This is to prevent accidental spillage and stains on furniture, etc.

  5. 3wwsDsA6NLch2xmU
    • Now apply the putty to the affected areas. Press the putty into the crack you widened. That will allow the putty to go in the gap and reinforce the drywall.

    • Use an up and down motion covering the crack on the drywall if it's horizontal. You may also need to move your hand left to right if it's vertical.

  6. xn4MNySVyCesDWCS
    • Next, use the mesh fiber tape and overlay it over where you applied the putty.

    • Before cutting, you may want to unwrap the tape and measure and adjust it according to the size and length of the crack.

    • Now with the mesh tape (fiber tape) attached to the cracked parts of the drywall and putty, apply more putty over the mesh tape.

    • Use the same method from step 5 and cover the area thoroughly.

    • Note that the putty may take a few hours to dry once you finish applying.

  8. ZqZhXIOdEsN6LB56
    • With the sandpaper wrapping the block, sand off any excess putty or bumps caused by the putty; this is good for when you want to paint over the area covered by the putty and create an even surface.

    • When sanding, you will want to go in a circular motion (clockwise or counter-clockwise) or go vertically and horizontally. Check if the surface is even.

  9. PLNHQ5ovumlevayO
    • With everything sanded, you will want to grab some tape like the one used in the picture. Make sure to surround the area where you applied the putty and make a square shape. Measure accordingly and make it symmetrical.

  10. 4iOkqIcenjoC3bNu
    • Grab some base paint. Stir the paint to ensure it is evenly mixed. Use a clockwise or counterclockwise motion while stirring. After that, get a cup and pour some paint into it.

  11. m2uNShbZnDunTcbB
    • Now with the paintbrush in hand, apply an appropriate amount of paint on the paintbrush and use a patting motion or apply some pressure with some motion left, right, up, or down to cover the area within the boundaries of the tape.

  12. gvKGmFCbRrjQYddq
    • Now with everything filled in within the boundaries of the tape, peel off the tape, and voila, you'll see a symmetrical base paint covering where the putty is. Paint may take a few hours to dry.

    • Paint may take a few hours to dry. Check in to be sure it's dry.


By the end of this guide, you will have fixed a drywall crack, sanded it, and painted it using base paint to prepare for the final paint.

Angel Penate Jr

Member since: 13/04/22

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