
Mounted hose holders are not only helpful for keeping your hose from tangling but they also enhance the aesthetics of your garden/home. Sometimes after a lot of use or depending on the material, they may start to crack from the weight or become loose. If you have a damaged hose holder or you're just ready to upgrade your home's exterior appearance, this guide will walk you through the replacement.

This is a beginner step-by-step replacement requiring minimal tools and knowledge.

  1. OIfgtvVha322qJDd
    • Remove the water hose from your existing hose holder.

  2. miPGVJCfdPfQwpZ2
    • Use an electric drill to remove the old screws from the hose holder.

    • Remove the wall-mounted hose holder.

  3. Z2uZ6iPUKFk5KTgZ
    • If your new holder requires more screws than the old one, mark your screw placements first.

  4. eCnEMr2bQJQWgkYD
    • If needed, pre-drill any new holes based on your placement marks.

  5. X1xpX3muKbpvEO1d
    • Align your hose holder with the mounting holes, and position the new nail anchor, washers, and screws into their respective spots.

  6. cBOUDCACrc2OoiuC
    • Use an electric drill to drive the new screws through the mount into their placements to secure the hose holder to the wall.

    • Ensure the holder is securely attached.

  7. RivuMNbOUd3jZGoZ
    • Loop your hose back on.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Bri Garcia

Member since: 26/09/24

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