
After completing the prerequisite guide for taking apart the front panel of the speaker, you can then access the battery and replace it when it is dying or not working.

  1. dBMtxPy1K1rUnFpu
    • Using a plastic opening tool, pry off the front grill by wedging it in the notch on the front of the device.

    Where can I find a new front panel for my speaker

    consomme69 -

    If I take this off can I put it back on

    Burger King -

  2. o5SWK6TwGvJXXZkQ
    • Remove the five 14.4 mm T10 Torx screws.

    There are NO torxscrews. You have to pull out the rubber grille grips that are inside the screw holes FIRST, then use a regular sized Phillips head screwdriver to remove the cover. No Torxscrewdiver needed. I found this out after I had already purchased one from you guys.

    phillip columbus -

    Mi bocina no tiene los 5 tornillos a la vista,tiene las cavidades ciegas, como lo abro???

    Eduardo Heine -

    Yes there are no Torx screws… you have to remove the rubber grips them the Philip Screws..

    Joe Lim -

  3. aLaClpNCSQVOuCfs
    • Gently pull the front apart from the back.

  4. 1SWuvDl2qU1UaEUc
    • Remove the four wires connecting the front and back panels.

    • Pinch the connector tab and pull gently upwards.

    • Repeat for the other three connectors.

    Please can I get a replacement of my panel to the phone

    Chinedu Ogunedo -

  5. HoCr3OpphLskQEVZ
    • Begin by removing the three 10.4 mm T10 Torx screws from the battery cover.

    • Remove battery cover.

    • Pull battery out to replace.

    What battery is the replacement? Are there one or two batteries inside? Could have been a good “how to instruction” but left out some important facts. Duh?

    David Forster -

    You should include that the battery compartment is in the BACK.

    Also, there are two compartments in the back. I tried to open the wrong one.

    My torx socket didn't fit into the central hole of that compartment. Arrrgh! So I used a drill to make the hole bigger, only to find upon opening that it was the wrong compartment.

    The correct one was easier to open. (!) I found I needed to wrap part of the new battery in electrical tape to avoid it rattling around.

    Putting it all back together had two challenges. There's a very thin rubber gasket that has to be delicately pressed back into its channel. Also, the larger rubber surround has to be placed appropriately on the various buttons (power, volume, Bluetooth).

    I'd rate this as “medium" difficulty.

    Craig Cunningham -

    BTW, the correct replacement for the single battery is easily found online by searching “replacement battery Harman Kardon Onyx Studio”. (Student One and Two use the same battery.)

    Craig Cunningham -


    merci Infiniment pour ce tutoriel

    Olivier Decoopman -

    This guide is not correct for all models. For Onyx studio 2, you have to open BOTH front and back panels and remove the metal stand. The screws are located under the back panel (regular Phillips screws and not Torx). Battery is a 11.1V 2500mAh (28Wh) model no. PR-633496

    Vivek Bakshi -

    Très bonnes explications merci. Je viens de changer pour la première fois la batterie.

    Quelques notes :

    1) J'ai récupéré les mousses anti vibrations de l'ancienne batterie pour les recoller sur la nouvelle.

    2) J'ai aussi récupéré (en coupant) le caoutchouc triangulaire qui lie les 3 fils électriques. Il permet de fixer les fils ensemble et surtout fixer la batterie dans le compartiment (les rainures sont faites pour ça).

    tmrmy -

    Bonjour, je n’ai jamais eu de chargeur batterie pour ma Ontx studio 2, quelqu’un peut-il me dire où je peux en acheter un svp? En vous remerciant par avance pour votre retour cordialement

    barbara.ducroux -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Alexandra Achtenberg

Member since: 02/02/17

2066 Reputation


Thanks for the step by step instructions. I have tried replacing the batteries but the speaker still won't turned on. I believe the battery cable/module is broken, do you know how to fix it? Thanks.

Wompy Pratomo -

Can you put a step by step instruction how to replace a battery on a Harman/ Kardon esquire 2?

Bullet Magnet -

Hello, what kind of battery is good for replacement? I'm thinking of using LG 3000mAh or Panasonic 3400 mAh (both unprotected) and making a direct swap. Help please

marcel -

Can you tell me what kind of the hk onyx speaker battery's, if you can show me step instructions to replace! Thankyou!

happymandm8 -

This worked great. Thanks. Battery would not charge. Bought a replacement on Ebay and now it works as if new.



Where I can buy those 14.4 mm T10 Torx screws online?

Levan Rozomashvili -


What is the battery for the Harman Kardon Esquire 2 speaker?


Isaac Moura -

Pls where can I get a battery?

Emmanuel -

My onyx is onyx studio

Emmanuel -

Here is where you can find a good battery.

tkuan -

What if the wires connected to the battery were splice for another battery hook up .and a wire on the battery broke and my charging ports are no good what can i do

Karlos milliar -

Is it possible to use just the power supply

Carbon cookie -

Anyone know the model of the 3-pin connector on the battery?

Sagar -

The battery of onix 2 could work to Harman kardon onix 1?

orlandinez -

Buen día, necesito orientación respecto a una HK onyx studio 3, no logro conseguir la batería, sería el mismo modelo que el que sugieren aquí?

gio ram -

Thanks for the easy replacement instructions. Our school bought 4 of the 1st generation HK Onyx speakers and all 4 batteries bit the dust this year. It was a breeze to find better replacements than the original on Amazon and Ebay and these instructions gave me the confidence to disassemble, replace, and reassemble the speakers. Everybody thinks I’m a genius. Thanks again.

Bobby Hirschhorn -

Can i take the speaker into you store for battery replacement

ronh8211 -

can anyone tell me if thare is an instruction on how to open an H/K onyx studio 1.

It looks a litle bit the same but thare are no screws in the hole's

Ewin -

Can i replace Hk onyx 3 battery with hk onyx 4 battery?

Wilfred Kawishe -

my battery replacement came with a circuit board what is this"

909 -

I need a panel of Harman kardon studio 4

Chinedu Ogunedo -