Use this guide to remove and replace the lens and OLED frames in an HTC Vive.
You'll need a narrow, long-shaft driver to reach some of the screws in this guide.
Place a finger on the top edge of the compartment cover assembly and slide the assembly toward the front of the Vive until it comes loose from the headset.
Lift the cover away from the headset and slide it up the cables until it's out of the way.
Use a T5 Torx driver to remove the two 12 mm-long screws securing the head strap mounts on either side of the headset.
Grasp the top edge of the right half of the outer shell, behind the component cover and near the seam in the center. Pull it to the right and upward, away from the headset to release the clip securing that part of the shell.
Grasp the right half the outer shell and pull it to the right and toward the front of the headset in a twisting motion until you feel the clips on the front of the cover release.
Use the pointed end of a spudger to flip up the small locking flap on one of the sensor array ZIF connectors.
Slide the cable straight out of its socket on the motherboard.
Repeat the previous step for the remaining three sensor array cables to disconnect the remaining cables.
Use the flat end of a spudger to pry the camera cable connector straight up from its socket on the motherboard.
Remove the tape covering the interconnect cable socket.
Use the point of a spudger to flip up the small locking flap on the cable socket.
Slide the interconnect cable straight out of its socket on the motherboard.
Remove the tape covering the left OLED cable socket.
Use the point of a spudger to flip up the small locking flap on the cable socket.
Slide the left OLED cable straight out of its socket on the motherboard.
Remove the tape covering the right OLED cable socket.
Use the point of a spudger to flip up the small locking flap on the cable socket.
Slide the right OLED cable straight out of its socket on the motherboard.
Press the non-port-end of the motherboard toward the top of headset while hinging it away from the midframe to free it from the clips securing that end.
Slide the motherboard toward the bottom of the headset, over the clips, to remove it.
Hinge the OLED and lens frames down and away from the focus knob end of the eyepiece midframe.
Once you've rotated the OLED and lens frame about 90 degrees, push them straight down, parallel to the face of the eyepiece midframe, to separate them from the midframe.
Use the flat end of a spudger push up one edge of the OLED cover and start unclipping that edge.
Very carefully lift the OLED display by its edges out of its frame.
Repeat this process for the other OLED display.
Use an opening tool to pry up the flat edge of the lens.
If it's difficult to pry up, apply the iOpener for another 30 seconds to further soften the adhesive.
Remove the lens.
Repeat the last two steps to remove the other lens.
Only the lens and OLED frames remain.
Compare your new replacement part to the original part—you may need to transfer remaining components or remove adhesive backings from the new part before installing.
To reassemble your device, follow the above steps in reverse order.
Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.
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