
This guide directs the user in removing the back cover and battery. Keep in mind that this replacement requires generous prying and a consideration of tiny and delicate parts.

  1. x1CuXMZxxL6rvLpN
    • Remove the six T5 Torx 6.32mm screws securing the back cover to the watch.

    The bracelet on the same side as the S2 logo must be removed as well. 2 very small allen wrenches must be used to removed the bracelet screw.

    Thomas Glasgow -

    And these allen wrenches are not included in the battery replacement kit sold by Amazon!

    Jack McCullars -

  2. BjJCUABca2WclENk
    • Remove the back cover carefully.

    • Even after the screws have been removed, the back cover can still be quite difficult to take off. Moderate to extensive prying may be required. Be gentle, but firm.

  3. IVSWHhooU3bCpEIC
    • On the back cover use a plastic opening tool to remove the green tape retaining the battery.

  4. 4CrdkVAb5RFEZASJ
    • Remove the green tape shrouding the battery connector.

  5. xfRGsAe3UWOKALYo
    • Use the ESD safe tweezers to push the connector and metal shroud out from the back of the connector.

    • Remove the third and fourth wires from the right of the connector (as seen when looking from the angle in the photo). They should be red and black respectively.

    • DO NOT attempt to pull the wire from the connector, it will pull the wire from the metal shroud shown in the red box, which needs to be preserved for the connection to be successful.

    The third and fourth wires from both sides are red and black. Make sure you are removing the ones that connect to the battery.

    Also, the directions about pudding vs pulling the wires is confusing. I tried pushing them out like the picture shows, and I DEFINITELY removed the metal shroud. It’s very tiny, and was a bear to get back in.

    The base of each of the wires fits tightly into a groove where it joins the connector. I lifted there with my tweezers and the writers came out easily, leaving the metal shroud in place.

    the metal shroud has two U-shaped metal retainers that cut the wire sheath to make a connection. The wire sheath forms a friction fit in the groove where the wire enters the connector.

    In short, pull the wire up out of the groove, instead of pulling in the same direction used to remove the connector from its socket. Pull 90 degrees from the direction used to remove the connector from the socket. Definitely don’t push from the backside of the socket.

    hushpuppiesaregood -

    • Use the ESD safe tweezers to break the adhesive between the back cover and the battery.

    • Remove the battery.

  7. VhDqLjFwVZcGMEI1
    • Remove the green tape on the back of the battery, it can be reused later.

    Why didn,t he tell us where to get replacement Battery

    Fred Cogan -

    Re-assembly is not straightforward either! Apparently there are different batteries that can be used too. I have seen a video using a rectangular replacement, and desoldering the battery wires, though I have followed the method shown here. Still waiting to fully prove operation after repair.

    john.joice -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Emily Kovacs

Member since: 21/03/18

259 Reputation


If anyone is looking for the replacement battery for the Approach S2 it can be found here:

Replacement Battery for Garmin Approach S2

It also included the T5 Torx and Opening Tools that are needed.

michaelf33707 -

Step 6 shows 2 red wires each with a free end. One of these red wires has the non free end connected to the charging circuit terminal but there is no mention in Step 6 of disconnecting this wire or where the free end is connected to.

Paul Stevenson -

This is a great tutorial for the S2. In my case I accidentally dropped one metal shroud (referred to in Step 5). I scoured the area on my hands and knees to no avail. Can you direct me to where I might obtain this part?or perhaps the entire connector? Thank you….

Brian Mahoney -

Hi, Where the !&&* Can I buy a Replacement Battery for The Garmin S2 Golf watch.????.

Gregory John Wickenden -

Gregory, I got my replacement via Amazon (UK). Battery came from Germany in about 1 week. Not cheap, but a lot cheaper than a new watch.

john.joice -

Good tutorial. I just fixed a friend's S2 with a 402030 sized (rectangular) battery which gives a lot more room to fit the wires back in, and is readily available cheaply.

BTW he'd also ruined the memory formatting, probably from letting windows try to 'repair' it :( Factory reset doesn't help at all once the partition is messed up. and Garmin Express will not find the watch. Never allow windows to attempt to repair your Garmin...

I connected the watch up under Linux and ran 'sudo gparted' - selected the garmin drive and reformated the partition as FAT16. Perfect, Garmin express recognised the watch immediately and allowed a full software and course update.

P Mundy -

Does anyone replace batteries as part of their business?

David Mair -

Laptop Kings here in South Melbourne did a great job replacing my S2 Battery. I supplied the battery but prior my Garmin S2 would cark after 14 holes now after replacement and following 18 holes I still have about 45% battery power.


Ron -