
  1. OYmGyNbmgufMNhX3
    • Remove the covers and unscrew the motor housing.

    • Unscrew cover and remove the guide tube.

    • Bring the jet in the middle position by positioning the white arms as shown in the photo.

    • Unscrew the motor block and pull out the blue cable.

    • Open the motor block.

  2. KZtsnyYwT4jCRV3R
    • By hand or with a arduino code. The servo and the mechanics has to be both in the middle position.

    • #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; void setup() { myservo.attach(A2); } void loop() { myservo.write(50); // set servo to mid-point delay(2000); myservo.write(90); // set servo to mid-point delay(8000); myservo.write(1400); // set servo to mid-point delay(2000);

    • This needs to be done carefully.

  3. 331hAJToNfyGLfM3
    • With the Arduino code you can test the alignement. There is a alignment mark on the bot itself.

    • The Servo can do 180 degrees, the robot needs around 120, so there is margin from the servo but NOT from the mechanics.

    • If the jet mechanic is at the stop and the servo want to go further, it will end with a loss. IMHO you can dare it by just by hand.

    • Try it out.

    • Keep in mind the bot needs some time to start all the movements. You can also try with the app with manual control.


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Member since: 03/06/23

109 Reputation


Bonjour. 35kg de force pour un si petit servo ?

Arnaud Bourgeois -

I assume you can take a smaller one but they are cheap. I took this model because it was labeled waterproof. Works like a breeze ever since.

Instarep -