This guide will show you the quickest way to remove the front of the device so you can get to deeper parts of the device.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the eight 9.5 mm screws on the left and right sides of the device.
Lift the top gently but firmly from the back of the device. Allow it to rest on the back without reattaching it.
Lift up the top while firmly sliding it towards the back of the device.
The next step is a zoom-in of the indicated area.
Using forceps or fingers, remove the small black wire indicated.
Grip the wire near its base and pull gently but firmly until it pops out of the slot.
This step deals with the indicated area of the device.
Lift the indicated tabs out until the restraint looks like the final picture.
Gently pull on the cord until it comes free of the attachment.
The top section of the device should now be free of the body. Place it aside in a safe place.
This step deals with the indicated portion of the the device.
Lift the indicated tabs out until they look like the final picture.
Gently pull on the cord until it comes free of its restraint.
This step deals with the indicated area of the device.
Neither of the indicated cords have restraints on them like the previous ones. Use tweezers or fingers to pull firmly on the base of each cord until it comes free.
This step deals with the indicated area of the device.
Use tweezers or fingers and firmly pull straight out on the cord until it comes free.
This step deals with the indicated area of the device.
Using tweezers or fingers, lift gently on the tab indicated to free the front from the body of the device.
Rotate device 180 degrees and repeat for other side.
Rotate the front slightly forward to keep the tabs from re-engaging on their hooks.
Wiggle the front gently while pulling it forward until it comes free of the body of the device.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Excellent and clear instructions, thankyou. Only trouble is the CD Changer device door is not opening! As I have not actually carried out the Front Panel removal at present I am hoping my problem will expose itself when I complete your instructions in practicality. Thanks again. Denis.
Thanks a lot for the guide! I was able to fix my problem of cassettes playing too slow. You rock!
Thanks for the guide, had a problem with CD player causing horrible screeching noises when initialising each CD. However opening it up, the CD player is still contained within an unopenable sub-unit so no luck for me. Putting it back together, the side panels were a bit annoying. Note that on each side panel, both of the rear tabs go over the outside of the rest of the unit, not on the inside/underneath. a