Use this guide to replace the strings of a Cordoba C5 classical guitar. Through regular use, guitar strings will become worn out and/or break, making string replacement a common and necessary repair for the guitar. The strings are essential for the guitar to produce the desired sound, and attaching them properly in the first place can help prevent malfunctions and promote longevity.
There are no special skills or tools required to complete this guide. For ease, complete the guide with the guitar laid on a flat surface.
Remove the old string from the bridge by undoing the knot and pulling it out from the bridge hole.
Remove the other end of the old string from the headstock by undoing the knot on the barrel and pulling it out of the barrel hole.
Take your new nylon guitar string and feed one end into the bridge hole.
To tie the knot, hold onto the longer end of the string with your left hand and grab the end of the short string with your right hand. Wrap the end of the short string back around itself two times. The string should resemble a figure-8 pattern.
Hold down the knot on the bridge with your fingers and pull the longer end of the string with your left hand to tighten the knot.
Feed the other end of the string over the barrel hole. Bring the string over the barrel again and feed it into the barrel hole.
With your right hand, keep the string tense so that the knot at the bridge does not come undone.
Turn the tuning peg clockwise to tighten the string.
Check the bridge and headstock to ensure the string is secure.
If you have excess string at the headstock, trim it with cutting pliers for a neater look.