
Although the Ecodrive watches made by Citizen contain a rechargeable battery, after a long period of usage the battery is no longer able to hold a charge. When that occurs, it would be less expensive to replace the battery instead of buying a new watch. This guide demonstrates how to properly perform a battery replacement on a Citizen Ecodrive watch.

  1. MgXaRvZZFVp4Rtmy
    • Remove pin from watch band link to obtain easier access to the back of the watch.

    • Using the adjustable wrench, unscrew the back face of the watch.

    • There are certain Citizen Eco-Drive watches that have a pry-off type of cover. There is a slim pry tool available for those watches. Though fairly easy to remove, putting them back on is not simple without a stach press. Please see the last step for replacing those covers.

  3. NjYjVnevqSdkYKKZ
    • Using the sim removal tool, carefully pry the capacitor from its current location.

    Are all the capacitors the same? How do I know which is correct for my watch model?

    Tracy Ali -

  4. FckPhVVKWFVq22CR
    • Replace the capacitor with the new lithium capacitor.

    • Make sure the positive side is facing upward.

    • When reinserting capacitor, make sure the brass connector is inserted into the inlet of the battery slot.

    What if I bent the prong , can it be inserted when it’s not totally straight?

    Theresa -

    And will it work properly if I have inserted it with a bit of a kink. I don’t know if it will work I need to charge it with light first

    Theresa -

    Prior to putting the battery in there was movement in the second hand !!, now nothing, once I replaced the battery with a kink in it

    Theresa -

    I am charging it seems a bent piece will still run when inserted

    Theresa -

    It’s not a capacitor, for Pete’s sake. It’s just a rechargeable battery. Why do people persist in referring to Ecodrive batteries as “capacitors”? Ask any electronics engineer. A battery (rechargeable or otherwise) is NOT a capacitor!

    davejewell -

    Did you replace the ecodrive battery (accumulator) with a lithium battery (discharged)? Is what I wrote correct?

    Now the clock works correctly?


    foxtrot -

  5. Ib1DXERtAI6TKton
    • For a pry-off type of watch back, to close the back, use a watch press. (The watch press tool and a set of dies costs about $15.)

    • Pick one of the dies that just fits the outer edge of the bezel for the front side, and pick another one that just fits the outer edge of the back casing. Attach the die for the back on the top (the lever of the watch press) and the die for the face on the bottom (the base of the watch press).

    • Place the watch face down. Arrange the seal (if any), and put the watch back gently into position.

    • Squeeze the tool slowly and firmly until you hear it click into place. Some watches do not click, so check the progress as you squeeze.

    This is probably wrong, if the case unscrews, it should screw back.

    Pierce Wetter -

    Good point. I edited the steps to clarify.

    generalstuff1 -

  6. XN2RcWeZQp4NuRmg
    • Pull the knob out for thirty seconds to place the watch in its "all reset" mode.

    Where can I get/find a Stem and Crown for this identical Watch ?

    Franz Weber -

    It’s difficult to snap the back back on any tips?

    Theresa -

    If it is a push back watch (one where the back pops off, and not screwed on), there is a few things to be mindful of:

    1. The back seal. It's the little rubber o-ring that is either on the back case, or inside the body of the watch. This needs to be intact, especially if the watch is water resistant. These can be gotten cheap if yours is broken or misshapen.

    2. The stem: The stem attached the crown (the knob on the outside) to the inside of your watch movement. When snapping the back on, make sure the little cut out on the back case sits over the stem, otherwise it could snap in two.

    3. How hard you are pushing and the front glass: Sometimes the are difficult to get back on (and may require an extra tool) to get the back case on, but sometimes they just need to be pushed on really hard. But be aware of the glass at the front of the watch as too much direct pressure with break it.

    Joel Hickey -

    The best thing to close the back is buying a watch press tool and a set of dies which cost about $15. Buying a set of dies rather than just one helps to make sure you have the correct size.

    Pick one of the dies that just fits the outer edge of the bezel for the front side, and pick another one that just fits the outer edge of the back casing. Arrange the seal (if any) and press slowly and firmly until you hear it click into place.

    generalstuff1 -


To reassemble your device, follow the steps in reverse order.

Billy Tat

Member since: 28/02/17

1451 Reputation


How about citizen c605? How to open for replace capacitor?cheers

Citizen alex -

Before doing any repairs it might be a good idea to do these:

1. Place the watch to bright sunshine for one full day the dial facing straight to the sun.

2. After the sun treatment pull the knop fully out and keep it that way for 30 seconds (or more).

3. Press the knop back in and wait for 10 seconds.

4. If the watch now works normally, you saved the battery price and your fixing work…

5. If not, you unfortunately have to do as instructed here.

Good luck!

Seppo Nikkilä -

This worked! After placing in the sun it still was not working properly. I had to not only expose to sun but also unwind the crown, pull it out for 30s and then screw back down. No new battery needed!

Tony Carvelli -

Does the Capacitor of an Eco-drive watch has a tendency to leak?

citizen ph -

No Generally speaking electrolitic capacitors dry out from old age but these just lose their ability to hold a charge…. no leaking

Jeff Kohlmann -

Where can I get an adjustable wrench like the one in the picture?

Timothy Zorn -

$16 watch tool kit on Amazon.

Jon Christensen -

Harbor Freight has an inexpensive one, Jules Borel, Cas-Ker Co., Esslinger, TwinCity and McCaw are a few companies that have watch related material and supplies…..

C. Hunt -

Harbour Freight only about 6 dollars

Earl McKenna -

Where do I buy capacitor and how do I find a model number that fits my watch?

nal pa -

Watch rear or front dial

Jeff Kohlmann -

How much it cost to buy a capacitor for ladies watch with a mother of pearl face

josephine_66 -

What is the model Citizen(photo)?

Petro -

Hello where can i find the capacitor to my citizen eco drive wr100?tks

marcosdaca -

Amazon has stock

Jeff Kohlmann -

Thx very much this helped me to change the battery but i, have no clue wut tool to change it with?????

Lovelii Kae -

Großartig, vielen Dank!

Bernd Kreuder -

Can you explain/show how to fit the Citizen capacitor battery MT516F [295-7600 ] into a Citizen Eco-Drive Normandie Swarovski Crystals Womens Stainless Steel Case and Bracelet Black Watch MODEL NO EW9780-57E. the capacity battery has two contacts on the battery - one short and one long?

Leighton Cook -

Easier to install than I had imagined just make sure you line up the little gold tab with the barely visible slot in the battery compartment. A magnifying glass helps. Also, this battery is so tiny that a tweezer is just about useless. Pick up the battery with a small piece of Scotch tape and guide into position.

Works perfectly now..

Leighton Cook -

So how do you get the capacitor out from under the retaining clip on a 8651M calibre movement??

Jonathan Gingerich -

Clip must be removed first. I slid mine to remove

Jeff Kohlmann -

Hello! How would the capacitor in my watch? Citizen Model : gn-0-s-9


Look in Amazon

Jeff Kohlmann -

My Eco Drive was totally different. The back snaps off but first you need to remove the band. You need the correct tool to pop of the cover. The battery had an extremely small clip on top which took some time putting back on the battery. The back did not snap back on by hand, I used a tool designed specifically for that that. Also, there was an extremely small coil spring in the watch center which is not attached… it will pop out. The ends are two different sizes so be sure it goes back correctly. All my tools were purchased at Amazon.

Jeff Kohlmann -

Would this be the same procedure for the stiletto G820-T001696 TA / 2N0600?

Brady Blackmon -

Thanks for posting this … I figured this had to be a relatively easy thing to do (e.g., you’re basically replacing a coin-cell “capacitor” instead of a traditional watch battery) but I was amazed at how many online comments I read suggesting that this procedure was somehow “too difficult,” or “not worth it” for Eco-drive watches. My guess is that the only thing that would make it “not worth it,” is if, e.g., the watch is damaged, and/or the movement components too badly in need of internal cleaning/maintenance to make replacing the capacitor worth the effort.

markwietstock -

How much it cost to buy a capacitor for ladies watch with a mother of pearl face ?

josephine_66 -

Hi josephine,

It seems like this is just a standard coin cell battery with a small bit attached. They can be found for around $20-30 usd on amazon. Just make sure to get the one that is compatible with your model. I found these three, hopefully one of them could work for you.

Austin Blakely -

How do you change capacitor on a citizen aw1530-65e?


Zeusbooster -

Hi, not completely sure about what I’m gonna say, but first remove the bracelet, to access the inner ring, then open it by following step 2 (I don’t have one to check that opening is the same though), then follow the steps which should be roughly the same for changing the capacitor.

hopes this help

Cajuteq -

Thanks a lot! I used a digital caliper, instead of the adjustable wrench. My batterie held charge for 13 years. It is amazing. :-)

Tibor Bozso -

THANKYOU so much for this wee tip, I need a new cell for my my Eco-Drive but i didn`t want to start buying watch repair tools, I have a caliper & it did the job in a jiffy, brilliant!

Sie Jardine -

How can I remove the bottom cap of my watch womens zitizen eco

rodriguezlaurae -

The item being replaced is a battery. The watches also have a capacitor in parallel with the battery which can drive the watch for some time while the battery is replaced. I suspect the capacitor also helps avoid pulling high (tiny high) current pulses from the battery as the hands are driven.

3237daw -

Hola quisiera saber cómo puedo encargar la batería de mi reloj, ustedes la venden ? Patricia Arcati

Patricia Arcati -

Super Anleitung, vielen Dank. Nach einer Viertelstunde war der Akku getauscht und das von einem, der zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben eine Uhr geöffnet hat.

Karl Napp -

Where can i buy a Stem and Crown for exactly this Watch ?

Franz Weber

Franz Weber -

the case/model number is located on the outside of the back, this will dictate all that is needed for the stem and crown, it tells the movement number

and the case number, color too, Jules Borel,Cas-Ker Co., TwinCity and McCaw are a few companies that supply watch material……

C. Hunt -

for the Eco-Drive E760 which is the correct battery to buy?

SimoneGallina -

the number will be located or the existing battery/capacitor…..different makers may have different numbers for the same cell…..

C. Hunt -

I have a Citizen Eco Drive model E784; I want to make sure that the directions listed here will address my issue; I've given my 10 year old watch over 5 hours of direct sunlight; I've pulled the crown out to position 2 for 30 seconds, then pushed in back to position 0 and the second hand does not reset; which is leading me to think that the lithium battery/capacitor needs replaced ... also, can anyone tell me what is the correct replacement battery/capacitor number/name to use? Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Mike L -

How much time last battery in citizen ecodrive under daylu use.?

Antonio Hoz -

How do I replace the battery in my pop's EcoDrive Calibre 5700 (Movement number H571)?

Zhilin Li -

My Citizen watch second hand moves about a half second and returns to original spot. This is after full sun exposure and after replacing the capacitor. same results. thoughts? J810 Movement. I was considering purchasing a third capacitor?

Tony Spallacci -

Einen beim öffnen der Uhr geschraubten Deckel zum schließen aufpressen?! Echt jetzt? Danach dürfte zumindest ein Gewinde kaputt sein 🤔😳🚨🚨🚨🤯

Guido Hurst -

I do not understand.

1) Replace with MT920 battery (rechargeable)?

2) Replace with generic lithium battery (non-rechargeable)?

Thank you.

foxtrot -

Hi, the new battery voltage was 1.25V. After inserted in the caliber it was 0.7. I think there was a shortcut.

Without battery voltage is 2V between pins of the caliber under light. When battery inserted it goes flipflop between 0.9 to 1.3V.

Anyone has got an idea about the problem ?

vincent -