
Use this guide to repair your Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard 110) Speakers that have static or no audio.

The cause of faulty or no audio is because the motherboard has some loose components. In this guide, you will be opening up the device and putting the components back into place.

You will be opening up the Cingular 8125 so it is highly recommended to open it up on a flat and clean surface. Placing a towel on a flat surface can work as well.

Step 4 will require you to touch the circuit board and move around parts so it is recommended that you keep your hands dry and clean to avoid getting debris into the device.

It can be a hazard to leave the power on while working on any circuit board so make sure you power off the device before starting.


  • iFixit Opening Tool
  • 64 Bit Driver Kit
    • Hold the phone with the back (camera side) facing you.

    • Press on the battery cover until it slides off.

  1. 3HlBPgECFX4kFDOx
    • Lift up the black tab that sticks out on the battery's side until the battery is pulled out.

    • Using the iFixit Opening Tool, pull on the phone's camera cover until it pops off.

  2. ZaCasNW35CWX4ZRe
    • Remove the four black Torx head screws in each corner.

  3. NLeBrTNoepqZhEyf
    • Pull on the back cover of the phone with the iFixit opening tool until the green motherboard is revealed.

  4. dYwkPPPlSm1sYKUJ
    • Remove the black plastic piece from the motherboard by gently pulling it off.

    • Align the white squares on the motherboard and the speakers.

    • You'll know they are lined up correctly when the speaker's wires face the motherboard's center.

    • Press down on the white squares until they snap together.

  5. e3OXAIU4He5lA5MJ
    • Place the back cover of the phone over the motherboard.

    • Check to be sure the speaker's black piece is against the holes in the back cover.

    • Screw the four Torx head screws with the 64 Bit Driver Handle to connect the back cover to the motherboard.

    • Press the camera cover down on the back cover until it snaps into place.

    • Line up the copper terminal on the battery with the terminal on the phone, then press the battery back into place.

    • Make sure the black tab sticks out.

    • Slide the battery cover over the camera cover until it snaps back into place.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Laura Kimberly Simonds

Member since: 24/09/12

301 Reputation