
In this guide, the process of speaker replacement is shown.

  1. MkYZ1uJXMATUc2W5
    • Using a plastic opening tool, pry the casing from the rest of the device.

    • Pry all the way around the edge and then pull apart.

    • It should be relatively easy, to pull apart. Don't be afraid to apply a necessary force.

  2. Oy1IM2j4JpTJwU2v
    • Using your thumb, remove the 8 rubber plugs in order to get to the screws.

    • Simply rub them towards the speakers and they will slide out enough to grip the edge and pull them out.

    • In the picture provided, we labeled four of them on one side of the Beats Pill XL. The other four are symmetrical to these four on the other side of the device.

  3. UeQlyEpoOUBIiqbX
    • Using a Phillips #2 screwdriver, remove the 8 (10mm maxi-loc Phillips #2) screws that hold the casing together.

  4. Yo3FEjDGBitMZvHS
    • Pull apart the front casing from the back casing, slowly. Try to avoid any tension on any of the connected cables.

    • Separate at a slow constant force to avoid damage to the ribbon cables.

  5. DwoDEAgx3Q5KPHAc
    • Gently pull on the plastic tab at the base of the ribbon cable to remove it from the motherboard.

    • Never pull the cables by the cord, as this could cause damage to the cables and/or motherboard. Always disconnect the cables from the base by the motherboard.

    Hola amigos y amigas como estan me pueden ayudar como puedo conseguier la placa del beatspill esta q esta aki xf urgente soy de Ecuador ciudad manta

    Stalin Salavarrialoor -

  6. hDjTPReXpdZK1pyt
    • Using your thumb and index finger, pull upwards on the base of the the power cable to remove it from the motherboard.

    • Even though there are two batteries, there is only one cable connecting the two to the motherboard.

    Hola nesecito esa placa xf alguien q me diga como la consigo

    Stalin Salavarrialoor -

    Ye bluetooth order krna hai

    Mivi-s32-v1.0 -

  7. snU3iajgxg4MLxmP
    • After completing the guide for removing the case, remove the cables connecting the speakers.

    • Simply pull up on them without pulling on the wires themselves.

  8. XawUdCMLPtMl6OKY
    • Set the half of the device not containing the speakers to the side.

  9. jUus23jEdCOJ2HJL
    • Using a Phillips #2 screwdriver, remove the 4 (8mm maxi-loc Phillips #2) screws holding the speaker to the case.

  10. E2Bw4SB2VtMC2SaZ
    • While holding the case with one hand, pull up on the speaker you wish to replace.

    • This guide showed how to replace one of the two larger speakers, but the two smaller speakers are replaced the same way.

    Where can I buy the speakers ?

    Jose Jimenez -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 11/03/15

662 Reputation


Where can I find replacement speakers?

One1sol -

Where can I find replacement speakers?


Esam Khalil -

Where can i find the replacement speaker

Michael -

I’m trying to find where to buy the speakers as well, anyone have an idea who or where they sell them?

ateks -

Where can I find the replacement speakers..??

Godwin Varghese -