
The LCD in the Apple Thunderbolt Display is the very first part that will have to be taken out no matter what piece inside this device has to be replaced. Because of this, it is essential to know how to carefully remove the LCD from the device. Something that should be noted is that even after screws are removed, don't hastily try pulling the LCD out of its casing because it is still connected to the power and logic board of the display! Once the new screen is in place, make sure that everything is connected like the original LCD was and your device should be as good as new!

  1. vKYkNXJG6EyYZXwb
    • Lay down the display with screen side up.

    • Since the display is able to be tilted up and down, we found it useful to prop up the screen up with a styrofoam block in between the screen and the base.

    • Place the two suction cups on both sides of the top of the screen and make sure to lock them in place.

    • The glass screen is connected to the rest of the display by small magnets. Lift slowly and the screen will come right off.

    Instead of $14 foam block, I used a full roll of paper towel and two pillows. While it worked, if I ever did this again, I would buy the block of foam. Since you’re removing a power cable, you need to be able thread it through and I think the foam block would make that easier.

    Josh Miller -

    You can also use a single handle, double cup floor lifting suction cup. Just place it in the centre of the screen near the camera and lift slowly.

    Steve A -

    I just used a toilet plunger to remove the screen and it worked like a charm!

    Philip Jacob -

    That’s what I call resourceful—made my day. I hope your repair was successful.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Great idea, thanks a lot!

    Yvan Sandoz -

    The glass lifted off the magnets quite easily after just using my fingernails. No suction cups or toilet accessories needed.

    Adrian Gropper -

    I had the same problem and after removal of the fan and a bit of work with the vacuum, the fan is quiet. Thanks to ifixit for the great instructions that made this easy.

    John Perser -

    To keep the screen up, other soft objects might work, but it's important that the hole in the back isn't covered because you will need to thread the new Thunderbolt/MagSafe cable through it and it would be a hassle to do it after everything's been set up.

    Thomas -

    Anybody got any links to glass screen replacement supplier for the A1407 Thunderbolt Display? Im finding it impossible to find a replacement without it being crazy money.

    Michael McMillan -

    Instead of a wedge, I used 4 rolls of toiletpaper, one under each corner.

    jnbruin -

    Glass screen cover came out just using my fingernails. Used a tupperware container as a prop to keep the screen at a good angle to access the cords underneath.

    MeepleMe -

  2. y1QM4GJuH1vKrEUg
    • Unscrew the 12 screws around the side edges and the top of the LCD with the TR 10 Screwdriver.

    The screws marked in orange don't need to be removed, all they do is hold the magnets on the LCD.

    Garrett Mace -

    Yes “orange screws” does not need to be removed.

    You do not need a TR10 screwdriver as written in the text a T10 will suffice (more common and also correctly mentioned in the list of tools).

    A TR10 screwdriver is compatible with the T10, but not the other way around

    Per Lohmann Poulsen -

    On mine, the orange screws did hold the LCD down; the magnets were held in by TR6 screws, and those did not need to be removed.

    jml9904 -

    Any info on if an older 2011 imac screen could just be plugged into this to replace the current lcd?

    Nathan Morris -

  3. dNtDx1LZQDU1OVbo
    • Slowly lift the LCD out from its placement and tilt it upwards.

    • It can be very helpful to have an extra set of hands to hold the LCD up while you work with the cables underneath.

    • There are four wires that connect the LCD to the rest of the components. Make sure not to pull hard and break any of the wires.

    Add the note that it should be lifted from the bottom edge. It is also important not to twist the display by levering up from one corner.

    Charlie Nancarrow -

    Before lifting the monitor, you should be prepared to start collecting screws and have your TR 10 ready.

    Josh Miller -

    Having a couple of short screwdrivers handy to prop up the LCD (like you would a car hood) while you disconnect the cables helps.

    jml9904 -

    I’m against the screwdrivers. You can buy a computer repair toolkit

    deltonis -

  4. vYMImIhPgImDC4sZ
    • For the first of the four wires (furthest away from the wire that is held in by a screw), grab onto the connector and pull slowly.

    Note: be sure to pull away but not hard. Wiggle and pull slowly. These are delicate especially due to age.

    Overall this is a moderate repair. Follow step by step and you are good.

    Also, use tape and/or labels to mark which cables go where per the MLB and other parts. Resulting in easier reassembly.

    Ted Teske -

    Connector wires face upwards on this piece.

    MeepleMe -

    • For the next connector, which is right next to the previous wire, there is a piece of tape attached to a metal bar.

    • Flip the metal bar over using the tape as a handle.

    • Next, grab onto the connector and slowly pull it from the socket in the logic board.

    What is this connector for?

    pdspanagel -

    I imagine this connector is going to be for display data (i.e. LCD data).

    Scott Havard -

    I pretty much mangled this cable trying to put it back into the slot. Is this something I can order a replacement for?

    Ryan Stryker -

    I also screwed up this wire.

    erybovic -

    I also screwed up this wire. Wondering what the wire name is.

    erybovic -

    Thunderbolt Display 27" LVDS Cable

    Klaus Finke -

    As other’s have said, this cable is super delicate.

    When you replace it, make sure that the small metal handle it firmly reattached to the other side of the port. I thought I’d got it right first time, but had no video signal (thunderbolt detected display, and power was fed to the Macbook Pro).

    I had to reinsert this one again, and one in, firmly press the connector home, then latch the handle over the other side. I also gave it a test pull to ensure it was secure. Then all was well!

    Steve A -

    Managed to remove it but broke one pin putting it back. I don’t understand why they make so fragile with all the space available…


    Can anyone provide a photo of this connector so as to give a better understanding of its mechanics? see this cringe worthy effort at guidance;

    Philip Sharp -

    No mention of static electricity precautions- is that not a concern with displays?

    baggins -

  6. yYhUxvsdBk3pv3Io
    • For the connector on the other side of the logic board, grab the connector from underneath and carefully pull it from the board.

    To remove this connector, you squeeze the lower tab to unclasp it, and pull it sideways away from the board

    Brad Bell -

    This cable was also taped for me, so remove the tape first

    danmcfalls -

  7. sjOHkIKEoj3IwvE6
    • For the last wire connecting to the LCD, use your T 10 Screwdriver to remove the screw.

  8. fGJtJg1gy2EQTqVl
    • The LCD has now been fully disconnected from the casing and can be repaired/replaced!

    • its best to set the LCD on a bed or on a thick towel to avoid damage to the LCD

    Can this be replaced with an LCD from an imac?

    Nathan Morris -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Calvin Laverty

Member since: 14/04/15

2240 Reputation


Now I just need to find the affordable replacement LCD Panel. Mine is not too bad - but it has recently developed a streak on one side that is very irksome.

gigabob -

Love your site! Proved very helpful on multiple occasions and your products are fantastic!

Forgive my ignorance...

Is it possible to (1) Are any of the components of Thunderbolt Display upgrade-able? .... (2) There appears to be plenty of real-estate, can a Thunderbolt Display be turned into mac and/or pc? ... (3) Any way to upgrade to USB 3.0/3.1?...

I like tinkering with electronics and don't mind the complexities or if necessary getting parts, just wondering if any of these are possible and if so, can you give a clue as to where I can find more info... Thank You.

Mark Karasin -

Would like to see a continuation of what it takes to replace the Thunderbolt cable that is attached to the back of the display

Michael Martin -

Hi Michael

What happen to your monitor for you to need to replace the cable. It could be solution as to why my monitor has a black screen.

Any help?


Fm34b -

Does the LCD from an iMac 2009 27” fit into the Thunderbolt Display and make it work?

Aldo B -

Actually it’s the same Display but the connectors are different, therefore it’s not that easy.

Peter Rößner -

The Apple Studio Display 27 LCD panel has 2 main flaws that occasionally need fixing The first issue is the LCD panel and backlight are not vacuum sealed, micro dust particles gather between the 3 backlight transparent sheets, then when the air temperature changes is cause the dust to accumulated creating what looks like a water mark/streak. This may not be noticeable too most but if your using it for colour correction this is a major issue. Secondly the connections for powering the LEDS backlight at the bottom corners have a less than satisfactory solder connection causing flickering and turning off, sometimes only on one side, which can be fixed by just running solder along the 90 degree connection.

Martyn Ford -

Fixing one of the two issues requires you to disassemble the panel, not for the faint hearted or not technically skilled.

It is hard to disassemble but impossible to reassemble, must have been assembled by a robot, the plastic frame and get it to click back in place, first time I attempted this i crushed the very thin LED panel.

The half-arse solution to reassembly is to modify the plastic clip as long as you return the silver curved reflector on the plastic frame so that the backlight works at the same brightness.

Martyn Ford -

Tutoriel parfait mais où trouver une dalle LCD de remplacement pour thunderbolt apple 27”

José Maruzzi -

Are the Thunderbolt model screens as same as the cinema display screens?

Asher Haf -

Hello EVERYONE! I've just successfully completed the transplant of a 2011 27" iMac Screen, into my A1407 Thunderbolt Display. And there are 3 things to note.

1. Physical

Physically the displays are identical, even down to the mounting holes (covered with silver tape) However, you will need to transfer the metal brackets from the outside edges of your original thunderbolt LCD and replace the ones on the outside of your replacement LCD

a. you will need to transplant the metal brackets from the original display onto your replacement. All screws are visible however its also held on with some incredibly strong glue.

b. when removing the metal brackets from the 2011 27" display, there was one hidden screw under the cushioning and there seemed to be twice as much glue... its very strong so i recommend using pliers.

2. Technical

Swapping the T-Con board is incredibly easy and can be done by removing the top shielding

The screen temp sensor on the 2011's has an off branch for the motherboard, this can be removed.

More below..

Reece Malanos -

Using the original temperature sensor is not required as all the displays come fitted with one anyway, however you should remove the pins that form a branch off connector as it will have one that stems from the tcon and to a motherboard(likely for connecting the display temp to the motherboard. and remove those pins directly out of the connector.

you must reuse all the original LCD data cable and t-con power cable? as you'll need it for your thunderbolt display.

3. Finally there is an actual modification you must make,

The original LCD Cable for the 2011 iMac comes up the left hand side.... on the TB Display it appears on the right hand side.... now unfortunately during my experimenting i destroyed one of the connectors but if you take more care than i did, it will be hugely beneficial to keep this connector and transferring it over from your TB display to your replacement imac LCD...

IMPORTANT NOTE: The cables that power the backlight are held in with plastic tabs that CANNOT BE Pulled back... they must be snipped off and/or Removed... there is plenty of tape to hold it in place so don't stress.

Thats it. T-CON, Brackets and LED cable

Reece Malanos -