
How to open the converter box and replace the power supply...

  1. SZnkvKiSZFK5CkVv
    • Unplug your device from the wall outlet.

  2. tWLw2u3vsIqfNZbt
    • Remove the screws on the sides and rear. There are two on each side and four on the back.

    • Note: only remove the black ones (the silver ones stay for now). You should have removed eight identical screws by now.

  3. IecvVGogJ12iKJPk
    • Lift the top cover up and toward you simultaneously. It shouldn't require very much force.

    • Locate the power board inside the converter box.

    • Circled in red in the picture.

  5. Z3YPqObqmkp2PMrw
    • Remove this plug

    • You will need to squeeze the locking lever to release it. don't pull too hard.

    • Circled in red in the picture.

  6. DMFSgnx3RL1qCHVC
    • Remove this plug from the main board. It is not detachable from the power board end.

    • Be gentle.

    • Circled in red in the picture

  7. AMG3GtRiLa2ERAlY
    • Remove one last cable. This one leads to the front panel

    • Be gentle.

    • Circled in red

  8. oPldgyxPLCAIVRRW
    • Remove the power cord from its slot in the casing. This will make it easier to remove the power board.

    • Circled in blue

  9. nYacNvTeCxRmBriW
    • Remove the four silver colored philips screws holding the power board in.

    • Marked in pink (eeww)

  10. LqheNC2OqbgR2yUv
    • Lift the power board out. Be careful to not touch the bottom of the power board. even when unplugged, it may still hold a charge.

    • Here is the empty spot.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 18/06/10

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