First begin by flipping the laptop on its back and having the back cover face you directly.
Then unscrew the ten Phillips head screws that hold down the back cover using a Phillips #0 Screw Driver.
look for the battery in the bottom half of the computer
Once you have found the battery, look for the screws that secure the battery, in the upper left and right corners.
Begin by unscrewing the two Phillips head screws that hold down the battery using a J1 sized screwdriver.
Finally remove the battery from the laptop.
Locate where the mouse pad would be, this should be relatively easy as it will be right in between the two speakers.
Start peeling off the black tape that is covering the speaker wires.
Fold back the cables that are on top of the wires for easy removal of the speakers.
Direct your attention back to the speaker that you were first working with in step 5.
Start by pulling up on the speaker, it should simply come right out.
Repeat this for the right speaker.
Once the two speakers are removed, unhook the wires from any clips that may be holding it to the computer.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.