In the case that your keyboard does not work, you may need to replace it. This guide will walk you through how to remove your keyboard so you can replace it. You'll only need a #0 Phillips Head Screwdriver and a plastic spudger.
Remove the three ribbon cables connected to the bottom of the motherboard.
Use the plastic spudger to lift the white hinges from on top of the ribbon cables.
Then gently pull the cables out.
Remove 4 connectors from the right side of the motherboard.
All of these connectors release by simply pulling back.
On the left side of the motherboard, remove one more connector and two cables.
To remove the cables, lift them up with a plastic spudger.
Remove the 2 fan screws and the 4 heat sink screws.
The screws don't necessarily need to be removed from the component, but rather just loosened enough to remove the component from the motherboard.
Now remove the fan/heat sink component.
Remove the 4 keyboard screws.
Lastly, remove the keyboard. To do this, slightly hinge open the laptop and pull back.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
This should really be title keyboard ASSEMBLY replacement. The keyboard involves quite a bit more work on its own.
avarno -
! ATTENTION ! Comme l’a dit avarno il y a quelques mois, le tutoriel ne propose QUE DE REMPLACER LE BLOC CLAVIER + PAVÉ TACTILE. Sur Ifixit on peut aussi acheter le clavier seul (ce que j’ai fait). On se retrouve bloqué à l’étape 12. J’ai posté une solution en commentaire de l’étape 12 (peut être pas très conventionnelle, à vos risques et périls !)
adrien -