
One year after replacing the rear oxygen sensor of my 2010 Mazda 5, the yellow engine warning symbol came on again. I read out the error code, with my 'OBD 2' device, and it was again reporting fault code P0138 ("bank 1 sensor 2") problem

As the device was fairly new, I susptected it was something else. Clearing the fault code while the engine was warm, seemed to work, so I suspected the built-in heat element was not working. However the fuse #37 was OK (see

I then removed the sensor and cleaned it using ultrasound (and gazonline), but that did not solve the problem.

In disbelief I went on and checkes all (!) the relays, but they alle seemed OK

Finally I decided to order a new sensor from a webshop (somehow all webshops I found seem to share the same Berlin address...). This is the part I ordered:

Before mounting the new sensor, I did a non-scientific check of the pins (see the steps below) and the results are listed in this table:

PinsNew sensorOld defect sensor
1-25.06 Ohm6.2 Ohm
1-348 pF6.5 Ohm
1-449 pF52 kOhm
2-346 pF0.9 Ohm
2-449 pF53 kOhm
3-446 pF53 kOhm

As you can see from the table above, there clearly is a difference in the behaviour of the new and the old device.

I installed the new device and followed the instructions:

  • clear the error codes
  • disconnect the car battery for som minutes
  • take the car for a 10 minute drive

After this, the problem was gone.

  1. 2yfHNqKxW5xdYnIW
    • Check the fuse for the pre-heating of the oxygen sensor (in this case #37)

  2. WstaCmlbjE4pdxsP
    • Unplug the sensor and decide on a numbering scheme. Also clean the pins to ensure this is not a connection problem

  3. bs2FH1HHh2hIKDWx
    • Check all combinations of the pins of problematic sensor. See comparison chart above (with the new replacement sensor).

    • If you do not have such a tester, a normal multimeter (resistance and capacitance) should be sufficient

    • If you would like a transistor tester, you can search Aliexpress for one. It is an amasing little device.


Leasson learned: probe the oxygen sensor pins if you experience problems:

  • Pin 1-2 is the pre-heating element, and should show around 5-6 Ohm (meaning that the pre-heating must be using around 60W)
  • All other combinations of pins should show a capacitance around 50 pF

There is a clear difference in the meassurements when comparing the defect part and the new replacement part.

Here are some good resources on Mazda and oxygen sensors, but remember: meassure the pins and look for signs of a defect device before you start taking tings apart


Member since: 05/03/16

941 Reputation

One comment

👍👍 well done

Géraldine Maes -