Underlying Symptoms User Is Experiencing
Faulty USB Port
When a device's USB port is faulty, it may experiencing ghosting which does not register a plugged in device. Trying another USB port on the device in order to verify that it is a faulty USB port on your device. If all ports fail on a single device but work on other devices, then you most likely have faulty USB ports on that failed test device.
Logitech M185 Hardware Issues
When a device is plugged in but is not responding, check the hardware of the mouse by downloading the Logitech Options Tool from their website and you can tune your mouse in various ways including sensitivity, and connecting the mouse via Bluetooth. Once tuned, test your mouse once more by plugging the receiver into a compatible device.
Logitech M185 Dead USB Receiver
If your mouse is not responding after prior solutions, inspect your USB receiver for the mouse. You can try connecting it to various devices compatible with the mouse. If all devices register a USB port being used but mouse if still unresponsive, your USB Receiver could be dead on arrival.