Background and Identification

The Ohmeda Universal PAC (model number K890410) was developed and used in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. It is standard equipment for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists in the U.S. Army.

The U-PAC is used for natural disaster areas, wartime, and humanitarian operations because it is durable, compact, portable, and has low operating expense, and does not require compressed gas or electricity.

The U-PAC weighs about five pounds and can fit into a container roughly the size of a briefcase.

Technical Specifications

The Ohmeda Universal PAC includes

18 inch to 46 cm long reservoir (130 mL volume (standard))

22 mm plastic oxygen reservoir tubing

Air inlet

Universal vaporizer

Outlet adapter

22 mm plastic female tube adapter - male tube adapter

Nonrebreathing valve


22 mm plastic male tube adapter - female tube adapter

Self-inflating bag

Additional Information

The Ohmeda Universal PAC drawover apparatus A technical and clinical evaluation

Vaporizer materials and set-up

Clinical Evaluation

Ohmeda Universal PAC Operation and Maintenance Manual