
You can consult the documents in the “Documents” section to troubleshoot your device.

Background Information

Datex-Ohmeda GEM 9100 is a critical care ventilator that supports multiple breathing modes for the comfort of the patient. It belongs to the Datex-Ohmeda Medical Equipment family. The company was bought by General Electric’s Healthcare in 2003. In comparison to its peers, this is one of the newest models. Being released in 2020, it has the ability to switch between a battery energy source and electricity.  The GEM 9100 also has features like pulse oximetry, capnography, and respiratory mechanics. The price is reported to be £4,500.00 GBP which is near $7500 CAD (with the assumption that every British Pound is $1.64 CAD as per the exchange rate provided by Google on January 31st, 2023) for a refurbished model by the biomedical equipment marketplace website DotMed.

The ventilator weighs approximately 300 pounds, and it supports different modes, which are: VCV, PCV, SIMV, PSVPro with apnea backup. It contains a flow and oxygen sensors which need to be changed approximately every 12 months.

The installation is similar to other ventilation machines by GE Healthcare such as Datex-Ohmeda Aetiva/5 or Datex-Ohmeda Avance. It uses the Tool-free installation technic called Selectetec where the manifold will interlock and isolate the vaporizers which will ensure the safety of the patient and the safe usage of the machine.

Some common failures of the machine, which have been resolved in the attached service manual include:

  •   Low pressure leak,
  •   Port valve servicing,
  •   Low oxygen monitor.


Service manual by the manufacturer

Price of the used model


This portable anesthetic device has dimensions of 145 cm (57.1 inches) in height, 87 cm (34.2 inches) in width, and 67.4 cm in depth (26.5 inches) weighs roughly 140 kg (308 lbs.). Its top shelf is approximately 60 cm (23.8 inches) by 35.5 cm and can support up to 25 kg (55 lbs.) in weight (13.9 inches). The touch screen display is located on the front of the machine under the serial of the machine which reads “9100c NXT” which is found on the top right of the machine, while the auxiliary power switch and the cylinder yokes are on the rear. The breathing circuit with CO2 bypass and scavenging system should be on the left side of the ventilator and the flip up shelf on the right. The pipeline connections are on the back accompanied by the hose hook. The flowhead assembly, pipeline and cylinder pressure gauge, task light, system switch, ACGO port and switch, PAW gauge, USB for software update, and oxygen flush are all located on the front of the machine.


9100c NXT The anesthesia workstation that gives you peace of mind  ******

Technical Specifications

This device is composed of 20 key sections which are identified with numbers in the following picture taken from the Deveaconseil brochure of the device:

Block Image

Dimensions: (HxWxD)

Machine: 145 cm/ 57.1 in , 87 cm/ 34.2 in , 67.4 cm/ 26.5 in


Approximately 140 kg/308 lbs

Top Shelf:

Weight limit: up to 25kg/55lbs

Work surface dimensions: (HxWxD)

Surface: 83.9cm/33in, 53.5cm/21 in, 46cm/18.1 in

Ventilator Parameter ranges:

Tidal volume range:

20 to 1,500 mL (Volume Control mode)

Incremental Settings:

20 to 100 mL (increments of 5 mL)

100 to 300 mL (increments of 10 mL)

Alarm settings

300 to 1,000 mL (increments of 25 mL) 1000 to 1,500 mL (increments of 50 mL)

Minute volume range:

0 to 60 L/min

Pressure range: (Pinspired)

5 to 50 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)

Pressure range: (Pmax)

10 to 99 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)


4 to 99 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)

2 to 60 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)


Inspiratory/expiratory ratio

2:1 to 1:8 (increments of 0.5)

Inspiratory pause:

Off, 5% to 60% with increments of 5%

Flow trigger:

0.2 to 10 L/min with increments of 0.2 L/min for volumes < 1 L/min;


0.5 L/min for volumes ≥ 1 L/min.

Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP):

Type: Integrated, electronically controlled

Range: OFF, 4 to 25 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)

Ventilator Monitoring:

            Expiratory minute volume range: 0 to 60L/min (increments of 0.1L/min)

            Expiratory tidal volume range: 0 to 2000mL (increments of 1mL)

            O2%: 0 to 100% (increments of 1%)

            Peak Pressure: 0 to 120 cm H2O (increments of 1cm H2O)

            Mean Pressure: -20 to 120 cm H2O (increments of 1cm H2O)

            PEEP Pressure: 0 to 20 cm H2O (increments of 1cm H2O)

            Pressure waveforms sweep speed:  0 to 20 seconds

For more in-depth information about the technical specifications, consult the brochure provided.


9100c NXT The anesthesia workstation that gives you peace of mind

Additional Information


Machine Leak test: This video explains how to perform a leak test on this device.

Settings, Operation & Use: This video explains the initial set up of the machine by an explanation of the basic settings which would allow the user to detect any mistakes that has been made during set up.

Main Components and parts: This video describes the device and the major settings and elements of it.

Quick Start Guide: This video allows the user learn how to easily set up and use the 9100c NXT Anesthesia Machine and detailed instructions on how to turn the system on, complete a daily period checkout, open a case, set alarms, and close a case.

GEM 9100 Anaesthesia Machine Service Manual