
Referring to the guidebook of the manual of Datex Ohmeda and its technical optimization as per

Airway module, as per the research and then taking up those identified features, these pages, are

being referred as the base source of information on troubleshooting characteristics in built in the

Datex Ohmeda Medical Device (S/5 Airway modules and S/5 Gas Interface Board, B-GAS,


1. Keeping a check for low pressure and is leakage (p.14)

2. Keeping a check on circuit Disconnection in connection to patient and then channelizing

it back to the Machine (p.12)

3. On-time inspection of Bellows (p.16)

4. On-time inspection of CO2 Canister (p.11)

5. Keeping a check on lids of Vaporizers (p.14)

6. An inspection into the core of Flow sensors (p.14)

7. Measurement range of Breathe detection (p.15)

Background and Identification

The background of Datex-Ohmeda E modules 885 and D-Tec has been given in the E module, which was released earlier and was marked by small feedback on the exterior quality of the material. Also, the connectivity with Mobile phones, for remote access could not be ascertained for the user of the medical device (Roubik et al., 2020). Also, the running of the device was slow in comparison to the latest Instrument that the Organization has offered. The Anesthetic agents are now automatically concentrated and identified, with the detection of MiniTPX features (Carvalho et al., 2021).

The E module describes peak pressure, means airway pressures, end pressure at inspiratory ends, and also monitors the compact anesthesia at real-time airways. The main components of the respiratory Modules are strictly confined to CPU Board, which are very conventional and require an update, and need to be replaced with MiniPVX, MiniOM, MiniTPX, and advanced gas sampling Systems.

The identification of this website is accessible from any electronic device to order the Datex-Ohmeda E modules Device and also with a set of proper affirmative tested guidelines for its usage, and even repair. Features of Datex-Ohmeda E modules Aaestiva Device are subjected to:

·       Intensification of Monitor Integration

·       The Device is extremely Compact and Lightweight

·       Augmented Breathing System

·       Updating a latex-free Autoclavable

·       Building Digitalized capabilities of Oxygen Monitoring

·       Creation of balance between Pressure Modes

·       Optimization of Volume modes with the electronic Peep (Albani et al., 2021)

·       Reduction in the overall cost of lifecycle

·       Boosting the low flow of Conventional devices

·       Usage of Superior 7900 Smart Vent techniques

Technical Specification

1.    Dimensions: 112*37*205 mm ******

2.    Weight: 0.75 kg

3.    Monitor: AM, CCM, CAM and CCCM

4.    Trolley Accessories

5.    Inputs: O2, CO2, N2O measurements ******

6.    Total power requirements: 3.9 W

7.    Normal operating time: 5 Minutes ******

Additional Information

Datex-Omeda E-Modules Technical Research Manual

Anesthesia System working process:

Datex-Ohmeda E Module PDF:

S/4 E-Modules Technical Reference Manaul