Post recovery tasks

Note: To speed up access to the recovered or restored files you can use shake utility to defragment them.

List only unique files by checksum

  • To list only files where photorec could restore original names you can add if(index(A,"_") != 0) before print in awk. You can also use the awk as stand alone command on an already created file to list only file names or extensions you need.
  • To list only extensions you can use D=B;gsub(/[^*\.]*\./,"",D) in awk that will cut everything until the last . dot that will show only gz even from tar.gz extension or you can use sub instead of gsub that will cut only until the first dot in the filename.

When files are restored it might be that many of them have the same hash sum and by making a list of the unique files including only one of the found duplicate files you will speed up gathering extra information about files with other utilities by using stored file names and path in it.

find -type f -print0 | \
 xargs -0  md5sum | \
 awk '// {Count[$1]++;
 if( Count[$1] == 1 ){C=substr($0,index($0,"./"));A=$0;sub(/^.*\//,"",A);B=substr(A,index(A,"_")+1);HASHsum=$1;
 print A"|"B"|"C"|"HASHsum}}' 

This will print out result on screen with pattern: filename|restored_filename|full_path_to_filename|check_sum


Clean up and sort file names

To make destination file names more bash friendly you can remove special symbols, spaces and sort by second column for a better overview of duplicate names with different checksums. To the duplicate file names will be added a number with ¤ as a separator in front of the restored_filename. The script will use file created by script from above and print result to stdout.
if [ ! -z "$1" ];then
  awk -F"|" '{B=$2;
   gsub(/!/,"",B); gsub(/?/,"",B);
   gsub(/{/,"",B); gsub(/}/,"",B);
   gsub(/&/,"",B); gsub(/=/,"",B);
   gsub(" ","",B) ;gsub(/#/,"",B);
   sub(/-*/,"",B); sub(/+*/,"",B);
   print $1" | "B" | "$3}' "$1" | \
  sort --field-separator=\| -s -d -k 2  \
awk -F'|' '{B=$2;Count[B]++;sub(/ */,"",B);if( Count[$2] == 1 ){print $1"|"B"|"$3}else{print $1"|"Count[$2]-1"¤"B"|"$3"|"$4} }'
else echo 'Path to file is missing!'

File names with special symbols especially if file names begins with them are harder to manage with commands like or cp without using quotes or backslash but if you want to keep information about them then they can be replaced with HTML hex codes instead of removing all of them.


Creation of a file with data for arrays

In this example the xdg-mime is used to gather information about the mime types but the file --mime-type -b and commands does the same output as the command, with more or less details. This script will collect a lot of more additional information about the files into the info-mime-size-db.txt. Put the script in the destination directory that you used in photorec, make it executable and use path to files from the list with unique checksums described from above. e.g. awk -F" | " '{system(" "$3" "$1" "$2)}' file_list-unique_checksums.

The script will build a file with pattern path to file/file name | info about the file | mime type | size | filename | restored_filename, here is an example:

Post recovery tasks

This will help you more to understand the script and make your own scripts base on it. You can also put all necessary parts together into a script, modify patterns for files to search and run it. You need to create a database file with name with information about files.

Head of the script

Here is a simple check if the exists in the current directory to prevent possible errors with rest of the script.

Start variables

With a while loop

Here will be a short examples about how to speed up population of the array from a file with patterns by using bash standard expressions instead of awk, grep and sed. The array will contain full path to the file and the will contain original names restored by photorec but without random generated part.

while read i; do
if [[ "$i" =~ "gif" ]]||[[ "$i" =~ "jpeg" ]];then
done <  info-mime-size-db.txt
echo done, the array is full

Loops for restoration

This is a finale part of a script that manages restoration of files. When limit of files in a destination sub-directory reached then it creates and new one numbered sub-directory in the destination folder and continuing to copy files there.

Enough if files are few

If it is not so many files with the same extension then it will be enough to use something like to avoid the overload of a destination folder you can calculate how many files are found .

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